MSA-CESS Accreditation

The MSA-CESS Team Visit


Fully proud of what has been attained following 3 years of relentless efforts, we hereby declare HHS II has successfully met all the Academic accreditation criteria and standards as mandated by the International Accreditation Association MSA-CESS. 

HHS II hosted the accreditation team who was designated by the MSA – CESS to conduct an academic assessment that was run over three successive day virtual visit (Monday, May 24th, 2021 through Wednesday, May 26th, 2021).

The visit comprised:


  • Interactive meetings with the following stakeholders:


  1. The educational leadership team represented by the Director General of Rafik Hariri Foundation, HHS II principal and heads of the Elementary, Middle & Secondary
  2. The educational planning team who worked on the extended self-study
  3. The coordinators and teachers of the different subject matters at all levels
  4. The finance and accounting department, the administration, and the logistics teams
  5. A representative group of the parents
  6. A representative group of Middle & Secondary student


  • Attending several online classes at - several topics at various class levels


  •  A virtual tour of HHS II premises (Preschool, Elementary, Middle & Secondary school buildings, classes, playgrounds, school amenities, laboratories, libraries, and theatres etc.).


The criteria and standards which the MSA visiting team has considered through their assessment exercise are:


1. Foundation Documents: Mission, Vision, Core Values, Graduate profile

2. Governance and Leadership

3. School Improvement Planning

4. Finances

5. Facilities

6. School Organization/ Staff

7. Health and Safety

8. Educational Program

9. Assessment and Evidence of Student Learning

10. Students Services

11. Student Life and Student Activities

12. Information Resources and Technology


The academic accreditation team concluded its visit by presenting an oral report, which will be reinforced later on by a written one, in which it stated, “Hariri High School II has met all the MSA-CESS aforementioned standards. The accreditation team highly commends the fruitful efforts exerted by all stakeholders. Worth underscoring is the sense of belonging and the loyalty and ownership of all concerned as well as their determination to maintain the well-being of the school. As such the Accreditation team extends its congratulations to HHSII - students, parents, faculty, coordinators, administration, and the supervisory team.”

On behalf of all its members,Hariri High School II is pleased to share its joy with all the stakeholders. We pledge to work harder to realize more achievements and to be up to the challenges in order to maintain our reputation of high quality education as well as complying to our aspirations, and ambitions.


Congratulations to everyone,


Thank you all for your collaboration and cooperation.



Hariri High School II Team